Friday, November 29, 2019
John and Teresa bought Blueacre Essay Example
John and Teresa bought Blueacre Essay John and Teresa bought Blueacre. They are hence regarded as co-owners of the belongings. There are two chief signifiers of co-ownership. John and Teresa can keep the belongings either as joint renters or renters in common. Differentiation separates between the two types of co-ownership. One differentiation is the mode of creative activity and the 2nd is that joint occupancy is recognised as jurisprudence while occupancy in common operates in equity. A 3rd differentiation respects degeneration of belongings on decease of either Teresa or toilet. Joint occupancy simplicities estate dealing because figure owner of estate lessenings on decease. It is a signifier of ownership that jurisprudence favor. Occupancy in common on the other manus obtains favour in equity. The figure of estate owner addition on decease. Personal representatives of asleep renter are entitled to the deceased portion. In joint occupancy, renters hold the legal involvement in the estate jointly. On death of one of the renters, the lasting renter will automatically take the portion of the asleep renter. This is one of the exclusions of degeneration of estate without demand of a will. Thus, joint occupancy can non be severed by a will. Solicitors outlining a will must guarantee that the gift of belongings can go through under the will. The canvasser must break up joint occupancy before put to deathing the will. Failure of gift due to skip of the canvasser makes him apt in carelessness [ 1 ] . We will write a custom essay sample on John and Teresa bought Blueacre specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on John and Teresa bought Blueacre specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on John and Teresa bought Blueacre specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer On the other manus, occupancy in common operates in equity and oblige a trust of belongings in favor of other renters keeping good involvement in belongings. Interest of deceased renter in the belongings will go through to his personal representatives. A differentiation in formation of joint renter and a renter in common will be conducted. A joint occupancy can be created where there is nil incompatible with its creative activity. Basically, there must be nil in renters act and behavior to propose that they intend to keep distinguishable involvement from each other. Besides, the undermentioned integrities must be applicable to obtaining rubric: Time: The involvement of the co-owners must enthrone at the same clip. Therefore, where two people obtain the same belongings at the same clip, there will be said to be integrity of clip. Basically, John and Teresa in this instance look to hold acquired involvement in Blueacre at the same clip. Title: Where the co-owners obtained rubric by the same agencies and by virtuousness of the same papers there will be unity if rubric. The co-owners must hold acquired their rubric by virtuousness of the same mode of geting ownership [ 2 ] . In this instance, it appears that rubric in Blueacre was transferred to Teresa and John by virtuousness of the same papers. Interest: Another component of joint occupancy is that the co-owners must hold indistinguishable involvement in the belongings. In this instance, Teresa and John involvement in Blueacre is indistinguishable. They can both separately exercising claim and control to the whole of the belongings. It is difficult to see any difference in the rubric held by either of them. Possession: Co-owners must hold equal right to ownership of the full belongings without any disaffection of portion of the belongings entirely to the sole ownership of any of the co-owners. Joint renters enjoy ownership of the whole belongings together [ 3 ] . The regulations sing creative activity of joint occupancy are rigorous. It must follow with the four unites explained above and there must non be any act inconsistent with creative activity a joint occupancy. Any act either by words or actions which tend to set up separate involvement to belongings will contradict the decision that a joint occupancy is created. The tribunals held the undermentioned words to contradict the creative activity of a joint occupancy [ 4 ] . Betweenââ¬â¢ [ 5 ] , to divide betweenââ¬â¢ [ 6 ] , share and portion alikeââ¬â¢ [ 7 ] , equallyââ¬â¢ [ 8 ] . Occupancy in common is preserved by the subdivision 36 ( 2 ) Law of Property Act 1925. This provides that no rupture of a joint occupancy of a legal estate, so as to make a occupancy in common in land, shall be allowable, whether by operation of jurisprudence or otherwise, but this subdivision does non impact the right of a joint renter to let go of his involvement to the other joint renters, or the right to break up a joint occupancy in an just involvement whether or non the legal estate is vested in the joint renters: Provided that, where a legal estate ( non being settled land ) is vested in joint renters beneficially, and any renter desires to break up the joint occupancy in equity, he shall give to the other joint renters a notice in composing of such desire or make such other Acts of the Apostless or things as would, in the instance of personal estate, have been effective to break up the occupancy in equity, â⬠¦.. The consequence of this subdivision is that although it is non allowable to break up legal articulation renter, it is still possible for the just occupancy in common to run. The subdivision besides introduced serverance by manner if notice. Finally, the subdivision continue the earlier method of rupture of joint occupancy. As opposed to joint occupancy, occupancy in common is non every bit perfect as joint occupancy and all that is required is merely the integrity of ownership of the belongings. Therefore, there is no demand that the other integrities be present in a occupancy in common. Besides, when the four integrities are present as in joint occupancy, it may still represent a occupancy in common where there is clear purpose by the renters to handle their involvement in the belongings as separate. Furthermore, where the renters make unequal parts towards the purchase of the belongings, there is a rebuttable given that the parties intend to make occupancy in common. Besides, where the belongings is a commercial belongings, the right of survivorship will be unequal in commercial investing in belongings. However, the four integrities are present in Teresa and Johnââ¬â¢s ownership of Blueacre . They both obtained and exercised ownership to the whole belongings. They both enjoyed indistinguishable involvement to the belongings. They both acquired involvement to the belongings at the same clip and eventually, they acquired their rubric to the belongings by the same means. Finally, there is nil incompatible with creative activity of a joint occupancy in their instance. Therefore, their ownership of Blueacre will be as joint renters. The temperament by Teresaââ¬â¢s will of her involvement in Blueacre to the kids has no consequence. This is because John has right of subsister in the estate and joint occupancy can non be severed by a will. The right to survivorship is a legal devise towards easing temperament of estate. Rupture of joint occupancy must be in conformity to jurisprudence. There are assorted methods of break uping a joint occupancy. The simplest method is by notice created by subdivision 36 ( 2 ) LPA 1925. The notice where sent by station, must be registered and served. For service to be effectual, it must be posted to the aforementioned topographic point of residence or concern, office, or counting-house, and if that missive is non returned undelivered ; and that service shall be deemed to be made at the clip at which the registered missive would in the ordinary class be delivered. [ 9 ] The tribunal inWilliams V. Hensman[ 10 ] identified three methods of break uping a joint occupancy. These are: Act of anyone of the individuals interested runing upon his ain portion. InFirst National Securities V. Hegarty[ 11 ] , the hubby purported to mortgage the belongings by hammering the signature of his married woman. The tribunal treated this as break uping the joint occupancy and the mortgage operated as a charge on the husbandââ¬â¢s involvement in the belongings. Common understanding. Joint occupancy can be severed by understanding. This understanding may be expressed or implied from the behavior of the parties. InBurgess V. Rawnsley[ 12 ] , the claimant and the suspect bought a belongings and each contributed every bit towards the purchase monetary value. The claimant claimed that the belongings was bought as a household house since he had purported to suggest matrimony to the suspect. The suspect was minded to populate in the upstairs flat and the claimant ever lived in the downstairs. It was besides accepted in grounds that the suspect had antecedently agreed to sell her portion of the belongings to the claimant which she later refused. On decease of the suspect, the complainant claimed as the subsister of joint occupancy. The tribunal held that there was no common intent and there was a resulting trust in favor of defendantââ¬â¢s personal representatives. Course of covering sufficient to adumbrate that the involvements of all were reciprocally treated as representing a occupancy in common. InBurgess V. Rawnsley[ 13 ] , the tribunal besides held that negotiations which, although non otherwise ensuing in any understanding, indicate a common purpose that the joint occupancy should be regarded as severed [ 14 ] Forfeit. This is where one of the joint renters engages in dangerous offense. For case where lasting renter kills the other renter. The rule is that offenders must non profit from their incorrect. InDunbar V Plant[ 15 ] , here, the plaintiffââ¬â¢s boy and the suspect had planned to acquire married and when there was allegation of fraud against one of the twosome, they planned joint self-destruction. The suspect survived and her lover died. The tribunal held that the suspect had aided, abetted and counselled the deceasedââ¬â¢s self-destruction and as such the forfeiture regulation applied to break up the joint occupancy. InCarr and others V. Isard and another[ 16 ] , the first claimant was the senior girl of T and G. The first suspect was the girl of the younger girl of T and G. T and G bought a belongings as joint renter. Both T and G made volitions made by the same house of canvassers in 1967 but there was no grounds that they were both cognizant of the fact that the other party made a will. The term of Gââ¬â¢s will was that the belongings should travel to T for life and balance to the first defendantââ¬â¢s female parent and if she predeceased G to the 2nd claimant. Thymine by his will bequest to G for life and the balance to first defendantââ¬â¢s female parent and if she predeceases G, to the first suspect. T died go forthing a will dated 23 November 1977 well the same as the 1967 will. G dies in 2000 go forthing a will dated 26 January 1996 different in footings as the 1967 will. The tribunal held that there is no grounds that T and G communicated their purpose to break up the joint occupancy. Consequently, the term of the 1967 will does non so break up the joint occupancy. The purpose to break up the will must be ambiguous from the act of the parties and they must hold been cognizant of the Acts of the Apostless break uping the joint occupancy. Making a will without the other partyââ¬â¢s cognition is non plenty to break up joint occupancy. Therefore, unless Teresa severed the joint occupancy by notice or understanding, temperaments of her portion in Blueacre every bit between the kids has no consequence. John has right to survivorship in Blueacre . However, if John and Teresa had visited the canvasser together to do Teresaââ¬â¢s will and John had cognition that she disposed of Blueacre in mode incompatible with joint occupancy. Therefore, the joint occupancy would severe by mutualness of understanding. The fact the Johnââ¬â¢s consciousness of the mutual exclusiveness is overriding. This means that Teresaââ¬â¢s temperament in her will must be given consequence to and her involvement in Blueacre would travel to her donees. The same decision will avail if they both made volitions incompatible with a joint occupancy and they are both cognizant of the fact of the mutual exclusiveness. The fact in this scenario will be the same with that inWoolnough, Re, Perkins V Borden[ 17 ] , Len and Emmy owned belongings as joint renters. They both went to solicitor fain of the belongings by will. The issue before the tribunal was whether or non the joint renter had been severed. The tribunal held that the devising of two volitions is inconsistent with the continuation of the joint occupancy. Bibliography Cases: Bull V. Bull ( 1955 ) 1 QB 234 Burgess V. Rawnsley ( 1975 ) 1 Ch 429 Carr and others V. Isard and another ( 2006 ) ALL ER ( D ) 343 Dunbar V Plant ( 1989 ) FLR 157 First National Securities V. Hegarty ( 1984 ) 1 ALL ER 139 Heathe V. Heathe ( 1740 ) 2 Atk 121 Lashbrook V. Cock ( 1816 ) 2 Mer 70 Lewen V. Dodd ( 1595 ) Cro Eliz 443 Peat V. Chapman ( 1750 ) 1 Ves Sen 542 Woolnough, Re, Perkins V Borden ( 2002 ) WTLR 595 Legislative acts: Law of Property Act 1925 Trust of Land and Appointment of Trustees Act ( TOLATA ) 1996 Textbooks: Barlow, King A ; King, Wills, Administration and revenue enhancement: A practical Guide Sweet A ; Maxwell 8ThursdayEdition Judith-Anne Mackenzie A ; Mary Phillips, Textbook on Land Law, Oxford University Press 12ThursdayEdition.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Envrinonmental issues of the 80s essays
Envrinonmental issues of the 80's essays Environmental issues are more and more becoming part of the American society. We have gone from a people who have no need to conserve items such as power, water, and oil, to people who are infatuated with the idea of cleaning up the environment. Once litter ruled the road sides, and now we have programs that are meant to clean the gutters and roadsides. From the late 70s through the 80s Americans as a whole began to see the good that conservation, and environmental protection bring to our nation. In the early 70s the big three automakers went from creating large, fast and powerful muscle cars, to moving toward the more fuel economic, and environment friendly compact cars. Rather than consume gasoline at the alarming pace the muscle cars did, these vehicles were specifically designed to save gas and emit less carcinogens into the environment. Up to this point Americans had never even thought of conserving oil and gasoline. But after the gas shortages of the 1970s people began to realize that oil was a resource that we could not do without. America had turned itself into a nation of motorized vehicles. Considering that our relations with the Middle East highly depicted prices of oil, and therefore the prices of gas, it was imperative for people to find ways to use less gas, as relations are typically fragile with these countries. This resulted in the compact vehicle revolution mentioned above. And lead to less and less pollutants being emitted into the air and environme nt. Another interesting outcome of the 80s conservation movement is the classification of wild lands into new and differing access areas. I remember in the early to mid 80s when you could pretty much drive anywhere your car or truck could go. However, those times have changed. Conversationalists have lobbied to make wild lands more and more protected. Progressively throughout the 80s it became harder and harder to...
Friday, November 22, 2019
Performance management process Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Performance management process - Assignment Example Besides, informal performance reviews are daily conducted. The annual performance reviews are based on five levels of analysis. Competency documents are required for the personnel file. Although HR guides the managers, yet it is managers who enforce the PM. PM ties into the organizational goal of excelling by providing the personnel with coaching, and increasing their interaction through meetings. Feedback is gathered from the staff in meetings and employee engagement surveys. Employees can get their complaints conveyed to the management through emails to the HR. Although employees are generally rewarded for displaying good performance, yet the company needs to improve its reward system. Teamwork motivates the employees. Besides, the nature of the work that requires helping the patients is so noble that employees feel self motivation. The department leader trains the employees. Improvement plans are prepared for three to four topics every month. Till 2011, the company will have a goo d behavior improvement program in place. Currently, the coaching system in place is quite informal and development of a mentoring program is due in future. So far, the coaching has not been up to the mark because of lack of stable management. However, the coaching system would be improved.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Letter of Recommendation Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Letter of Recommendation - Personal Statement Example Haneyââ¬â¢s determination and persistence to overcome the problem. Sgt. Haney has also successfully completed joint substance abuse program training; his commendable performance in the program has earned him the post of the unit prevention leader. Training NCO at the 2nd BN 200th Regiment OCS in the Alabama Army National Guard. He is no less than an asset for his regiment as his passion to work for the country makes him excel in everything he does. Apart from his work, his compassion for others reflects in the fact that he serves as the Secretary of the Board of Directors at Waldo Volunteer Fire department. His pledge to give back to the community is also apparent from the fact that he is an active member of Stockdale Baptist Church. Kindly grant Sgt. Haney the opportunity to prove the changes that he has made in his life and cease the suspension on his driving
Monday, November 18, 2019
Guidelines of Adolescent Preventative Services (GAPS) Analysis Essay
Guidelines of Adolescent Preventative Services (GAPS) Analysis - Essay Example It has been observed that the present age adolescents are complexly linked with morbidity and mortality which makes them more vulnerable to behavioral and psychological risks (Allenworth, DeMuth, Bradley, & Becerly, 1996) Todayââ¬â¢s youth have been characterized by several health crises like unintended pregnancy, Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) like Human Immunodeficiency virus (HIV), drug and alcohol abuses, eating disorders and many more. In order to prevent the youths from this health hazards GAPS recommends certain measures to prevent these health hazards among the youth. It establishes a complete framework for the organizations. The recommendation provided by GAPS is mainly based on four types of services and it concentrates on fourteen separate areas or health conditions. The GAPS encourages the ability of parents to respond to the adolescentââ¬â¢s health needs and adjusting puberty. It also promotes safety and physical fitness of the adolescents and assists in inju ry prevention. Proper dietary habits are promoted among the students by avoiding eating disorders. This helps them in avoiding obesity. GAPS work in encouraging healthy psychological adjustments by resisting the adverse health impact of sexual acts.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Is The Criminal Justice System Fit For Purpose Criminology Essay
Is The Criminal Justice System Fit For Purpose Criminology Essay This essay will an examination of the aims and objectives of the criminal justice system, looking at how effective it is with regards to the punishment and rehabilitation of offenders, the public opinion on its effectiveness using statistics and reports, and specifically targeting the issue of flaws within the prison and parole services, also a brief look at where we are today in comparison to many years ago in the earliest period of Crime and Investigation. We know from a great many sources and from history that the Criminal Justice System, in one form or another, goes back many thousands of years, in this essay we will also look at the history of Criminal Justice in order to determine whether, through time, it has become more effective or less effective or if the system itself has been consistently effective since it was first put into practice. The first sign of a Criminal Justice System came many thousands of years ago in Ancient China, the name of the system at the time was not Criminal Justice it was actually the Prefecture system, this system was developed in both the Chu and the Jin Kingdoms of Ancient China. Perhaps more relevant or similar to the Criminal Justice System we know today, would be the systems used in Pre-Modern Europe. In Pre-Modern Europe many thousands of years ago crime in Ancient Greece and Rome for example was very much viewed as a private matter, it was the prerogative of the victims family members to exact some form of justice. Vendettas and private wars were common place as a means of protecting themselves against criminality. The first sign of a government instigating policing of the people came from the Ancient Greeks and the Romans, in Athens a group of 300 Scythian slaves were assigned to guard public meetings to keep order and for crowd control, they also assisted in dealing with criminals, manhandling prisoners and making arrests. Other cases associated with policing including investigating crimes were left to the citizens themselves. The Roman Empire had a pretty effective law enforcement system until the decline of the empire, though there was never an actual police force per-say in the city of Rome. When Rome was under the reign of Augustus the capital had grown to a population of almost one million inhabitants, Augustus created fourteen wards each protected by a garrison of one thousand men who could call for the assistance of the Praetorian Guard if necessary. Then in the beginning of the 5th century, Policing became the duties of the clan chiefs and heads of state. During the middle Ages, crime and punishment were dealt with through blood feuds (or trial by ordeal) between the peoples involved. Payment to the victim or family, which was known as a wergild, was another common punishment, this included violent crimes. For those who could not afford to buy their wa y out of punishment, harsher penalties included various forms of corporal punishment. Such as mutilation, whipping, branding, and flogging, the most severe of these was execution. The primary form of state-administered punishment during ancient times and the middle Ages was banishment or exile. Though a prison was in existence as early as the 14th century in Florence, incarceration or long term detainment was not widely used until the 19th century. The Anglo-Saxon system of maintaining public order was a private system consisting of separate tithings, and since the Norman conquest, which was based on a social obligation for the good conduct of the others; more common was that local lords and nobles were responsible to maintain order in their lands, and often appointed a constable, often unpaid, to enforce the law. The Ancient Romans also played a huge role in the criminal justice system. Even the toga symbolizes the wig a magistrate wears in the legal system that exists today. So when we look at the assignment of those to a position of public order, were they more, or less effective than cases being handled solely by the people, this is difficult to determine as the first officially recorded crime statistics were the BCS or British Crime Survey in 1982, however we can look back and see a far more effective level of justice since the appointment of law officials and crime investigators. The British Crime Survey 1982 present looks at the publics experiences of crime (in the earlier dates asking about crimes experienced in the year before) weather these crimes were reported or not, this determined the important alternative crimes to the more commonly known and reported, for the police records. The questions asked covered the victims of crime, the circumstances to which incidents occurred and the behaviour of the offenders committing the crimes. Through these enquiries the survey provides information to inform crime reduction measures and to gauge their effectiveness. Through this the BCS was able to determine peoples attitudes regarding the criminal justice system, police and courts system. These actions have given the Public a relatively balanced and reasonable amount of information regarding crime/criminal behaviour. In order to determine how effective the criminal justice system is given that we know all the facts (from the BCS), we need to identify what measures to use, to measure the effectiveness. For Example looking at the public confidence in criminal justice agencies, public confidence in other government agencies, public fear of crime, proportion of taxes/national expenditure going to justice agencies, the crime rate, the proportion of the population who are criminals and the number of cases of infringement of human rights by justice agencies (Lewis 2003). The methods or processes countries have to tackle the issue of making the Criminal Justice system fit for purpose. There are government and voluntary organisations who take up the role of drawing attention to poor or unfit justice processes, local managerial structures designed for justice agencies and local government to build effectiveness ensuring that there is a level of quality control, and government funded inspection processes. The projected plans or ideas of these is that the public in general knows very well whether or not the justice process works. The public will slowly a ccept and deal with certain levels of crime and public surveillance but not so much so that it inspires paranoia, they are also likely expect the police and courts to be tough and yet turn a blind eye to some practices which may be an infringement of human rights. But only up to a certain limit as there is only so much the public can cope with. Interestingly in most countries even those that are well funded and governed there is a rather low general knowledge of the Criminal Justice System. There are many countries where the justice agencies are in effect independent to the political parties, so changing politicians will not make a great deal of difference. This is certainly the case in England and Wales today, where the Labour government has chosen simply to continue most of the policies of the previous Tory government, with the prison population inevitably continuing to grow. The Governments criminal justice system is not fit for purpose (Moses 2010), Colin Moses a high ranking me mber of the Prison Officers Association felt that prisons are being placed in a position that forces them to cut their budgets at a time when England and Wales are holding a record high number of prisoners. And now the Government is being forced to pay out compensation to offenders. This compensation is brought about by prisoners taking cases to the London High Court regarding the delay of Parole Hearings, with some prisoners finding the delay was in breach of their human rights and said that the delay was generally speaking totally unacceptable. One individual added that, with pressure ever growing on the Parole Board as a result of new legislation and the introduction of indeterminate sentences, it was actually the obligation of the Government to have provided the necessary resources for what was clearly a predictable and indeed inevitable increase in the workload (Collins 2010). This would be a terrific blow to the Criminal Justice System being regarded by the public to be fit fo r purpose, as Legal experts have made claims that in past cases, compensation has been approximately one hundred pounds for each day an inmate is wrongly detained. This is a considerable amount as the average delay in holding parole hearings is five months. The shadow justice secretary, said: It is appalling that public money should be wasted like this (Herbert 2010). This large amount of the tax payers money could quite easily have paid for secure accommodation required to hold or detain prisoners so that violent offenders are not released early onto the streets of England and Wales. When Gordon Brown was chancellor he refused to provide sufficient prison capacity and has subsequently overloaded the prison and probation services, and re-offending has continued to rise excessively. The firm Bhatt Murphy, which a present has more than twenty compensation claims pending, had stated that the Parole Board has accepted, privately, that it is in breach of the law and is having to cope wit h the Governments continuous failures to think through logically all of the relevant policies. With an ever growing case load, the Parole Board is finding it difficult to the extreme to assemble the judges, psychologists and probation officers who are required to assess each case within the given time. Parole Hearings are held specifically for all types of violent and sex offenders. Given this information the public must not be reassured of the Criminal Justice Systems effectiveness and worse still is a statement made later by the head of the Parole Board. Christine Glen had admitted to the constitutional affairs select committee that the backlog of cases involving parole for prisoners was completely unacceptable and she even stated that it was likely to worsen (Harper 2007). This does not inspire a great deal of confidence in the Criminal Justice System and its ability to be fit for purpose. Another public relations spokesman for the Parole Board had stated that in spite of the gov ernment putting considerable efforts into addressing all of these problems, the deferral rate is still so high it is deemed unacceptable. The single largest contributing factor remains to be the sixty per cent of cases received late from prisons and a further ten per cent of cases not actually received at all before the date the hearings were meant to take place. Also stated was that they are aware that there are unacceptable delays in hearing cases and that this raises the possibility of breaches of the European Convention on Human Rights and subsequent compensation claims from prisoners who are kept in custody longer than necessary. All this scandal is the latest controversy to hit the criminal justice system. In June 2007, it was revealed that inmates released early would receive almost two hundred pounds to compensate them for eighteen days of lost prison space. These actions were an attempt to reduce overcrowding. The ever growing issue of overcrowding has pushed the Prison Service to have to spend more than six million pounds to house six hundred convicts in police cells. In spite of the fact that thousand were walking free early, the prison population stood at 80,229 inmates in 2007, forcing dozens of inmates back into police cells. This is all clear evidence that the Criminal Justice System has tremendous flaws. Lord Phillips said in an interview with The Independent: The reasons for the rise in the prison population are quite complex but there is no doubt it has been steadily growing and the forecast is that this trend will continue. Certainly some criminal legislation dealing with sentencing has had the effect of imposing longer sentences or sentences which keep people in prison until they demonstrate they are no longer dangerous. (Phillips 2010). One subject of particular concern was the new indeterminate sentence for public protection or as its also known the IPP, which was brought in four years prior. Recently the Prison Governors Association and the Liberal Democrats stated that hundreds of convicts who could be released were being detained in prisons because the Government had failed to pay for the necessary drug treatment and rehabilitation courses for the offenders. Lord Phillips also said he had reservations about the IPP sentence which includes a minimum term, after which the prisoner has to show that he or she is suitable for release and no longer a danger to society (Verkaik 2009). The judge involved had stated that he knew the legislation had been changed to meet some of the concerns but that he was not clear about the latest figures regarding prisoners detained beyond their minimum required sentence. The Government says a further three million pounds was made available to aid with resourcing IPPs. When I was involved it was apparent there was a resource problem when dealing with IPP prisoners in relation to giving them the rehabilitation that they needed in order to be in a position to demonstrate they were no longer a danger, and also there was a problem with the resources of the parole board in considering whether or not they ought to be released (Phillips 2009). He also added that Prisons must be provided for individuals judges send to prison. And that what governs the overall prison population is a complicated question and legislation dealing with sentencing can then increase or decrease a prison population. He explained however that he had always been in favor of alternatives to custody although that would be down to the discretion of the judge. So in conclusion, there are many flaws in the Criminal Justice System but what ciaos could the nation be experiencing without the Criminal Justice System as we know it today, and to what extent would crime exist if there were a different system. No the Criminal Justice System is fit for Purpose.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Essay --
According to the film ââ¬Å"Too Big Too Failâ⬠the cause of the crash was from home loanings. Which in the case banks started to give out loans to people that owned homes. Giving out loan to homeowners the banks started to gain a lot of money. Later on in the process the owners of the banks began to go overboard by giving out more loans. And since the banks were lending out more loans , homeowners thought they could afford it. Reasons why the housing market crashed according to the film was because banks gave homeowners loans even if they could not afford it. The banks had their pride set to high, because they never thought that the housing market would ever crash or go down, so they invested securities in wall street. So the banks bought insurance on consumer loans. Which consumer loan is ââ¬Å" a loan that establishes consumer credit that is granted for personal use, usually unsecured and based on the borrowers integrity and ability to payâ⬠(Free Dictionary). When the housing market dropped the homeowners could not pay the banks their money back. In which the insurance companies could not pay...
Monday, November 11, 2019
Children with Special Needs and How They Interact
As numerous people have stated before, ââ¬Å"if you want to understand someone, take a walk in their shoes. ââ¬Å" From this, one is not able to truly comprehend the feelings someone may have or how many difficulties a person endeavors on a day-to-day basis, unless they spend time with them. The topic that I helped research as a group for our senior project was how students with special needs cooperate with others like them, and then how they interact with people in society that do not have these needs. While researching this project, I kept one question in mind, what similarities and differences occur with these children when they are brought into these situations with new people. Through our mentor, we were able to interact with the special needs children at our school, one by observing from a distance, not to interfere with how they may regularly go about their school day, and then engaging in the tasks of assisting the students with whichever task they had at hand. Numerous children each year are born with disabilities that classify them with needing certain attention in various areas unlike children who do not have these needs. The statistics show that 1 out of every 5 children born will have some sort of impairment that requires the attention of a specialist in that disability. However, until one has been through the types of activities those children have been, it is quite difficult to learn how it is to have these disabilities, and how socializing with others that they are not familiar with can be altered from how one would normally act around others of the same needs. Most of these children are nervous or shy themselves away from regular students at the school, mostly because they either donââ¬â¢t want to try to make friends with them or that they are too afraid that they might be criticized for how they truly are. When our mentor, Mrs. Rang was interviewed, we asked her a series of questions to try to get a better understanding of how these children are, and what she thought of our idea for a possible senior project. Through this interview, we weââ¬â¢re able to find out numerous things about how things in the classroom work for these students. For instance, when asked how often and when the students interacted with students unlike them at the school, we were given the answer of that the interactions were very limited, these times came during physical education classes, bake sales, and fundraisers. Additionally, we also were informed on how well the children cooperate with each other in the classroom, and it was apparent that there was almost a family-like bond between the children. However, based on research, some children with disabilities have a fear of reaching out to socializing with others. These fears can come about from numerous sources, either through mostly experience or what can be seen or heard through the media. The most powerful source of getting news across the world is through the media, where within the chaos, numerous stories are said to be factual, when only the story is false, and people will only read it if it is intriguing to society. One of these stories includes how children with disabilities are being treated at a certain institute in Canton, Massachusetts, by using shock therapy. Whether or not these reports are true does not matter to the reporters, however if a child with special needs sees this story, it would result in them only wanting to surround themselves with other children that are like them due to the safety they may feel with them. Bullying is another form of socialization that may trigger the childââ¬â¢s abilities to break out of their shell and interact with others. With many children feeling like that they wonââ¬â¢t be accepted due to their disabilities, their socialization skills deplete and children become more introverted. However, there are numerous websites and books that are help to assist one with their childââ¬â¢s needs in order for them to benefit from the factors of regular children. Certain aspects like greeting a new person everyday will allow them to not be intimidated by the children that are not like them. With proper guidance and support, these children with disabilities can be able to interact with other children unlike them in a comfortable environment. Furthermore, it has been seen in many instants where children with disabilities are able to interact with similar children with ease than to that of others. A variety of reasons can be held accountable for this explanation, such as how much time is spent with comparable children, and the emotions that are felt during these time periods. For example, during our interview, our mentor was able to inform us on how caring the children are for one another, which I feel takes into account where they spend the majority of their day in school together, and those students are the children that they interact with almost everyday. Additionally, many will say that the more time you spend with a person, the more you get to know them and care for them, which is proof with these children. Some however, may not want to branch out and socialize with other children, which even though I feel these students would benefit from the experience, people can not be pressured into something they are not comfortable doing. When doing this sort of project, there are certain risks and learning experiences that come with the opportunity we were presented with. In order to fully commit myself to this project, a certain level of commitment and connection had to be made with the task at hand. Before this project was assigned, I had volunteered time at the Nursing Home where there are numerous patients with disabilities that after listening to their stories, had numerous troubles growing up. It was evident that just like the children now, some wanted to socialize with others, while some rather stay locked up in their rooms all day in a groggy mood. As a result, it inspired me to find out why people with disabilities are sometimes stubborn to interact with others, while still establishing friendships with those who desired companionship in the home, especially those who made connections with others who had similar disabilities. Due to the level of this project, there were also numerous risks and successions that are related to the action of the assignment. After discussing that the group desired to work with the special needs children in Mrs. R & Mr. Damiââ¬â¢s class, we knew that we did not want the students to feel like they were just an assignment, where they would only be talked to for a month or two, and then once the class was over, the connection that was made would slowly disappear. If that was the case, no one would benefit from this project, I knew that we had to make sure that we got to know the students, how their personalities were, what their interests are, and other such aspects. The risk being taken was that when going into this project, we were not aware of how the students might feel with us being in their classroom. Being uncomfortable in a safe environment is one of the factors that we as a group wanted to make sure would not happen, however studying their behavior with others would allow us to benefit for the task at hand. Success would be able to be achieved, only if our interactions were carried out properly. From this, our success would be finding out the difference between the socialization that children with disabilities use when they are surrounded with different people. Moreover, failure would also be expected when we were spending time with the children because as Benjamin Disraeli once said, ââ¬Å" All my successes have been built on my failuresâ⬠. From this, we were not expecting perfection the first time we met the children, but hopefully, a bond would slowly start to form between us and eventually they would become more comfortable to talk to us when they ever saw in the hallways or during lunches. This is able to relate to civics, where from our education throughout the years in socializing with others, not bullying, and always making other feel welcome, we are able to take the lessons that we have already learned, and apply them to the task at hand and hopefully make new friends along the way. The experiences that I have had so far have been very beneficial to not only me, but my group as a whole. We were able to discover that some of the children with special needs wanted friends, but were too afraid to due to lack of socializing when they were younger. On another note, some children were able to talk to anyone that was willing to listen, while others unfortunately did not wish to make new friends than the ones that they already had currently in the classroom. Different personalities were able to shine through while we visited the students during different blocks, and friendships were able to begin being built. However, more information on why parents and others do not try to socialize their children with disabilities would be helpful when working on this project, however, the best is being made with the research we have. Throughout the experience however, it reminded me of being with the patients at the nursing home, as if those patients younger selves were able to interact with me now, and it was able to give my more insight into their everyday lives, even though I may not have been able to walk a mile in them. To end off though with these friendships and the positive effects they will hopefully have on these children, as Francis Bacon once stated, ââ¬Å"This communicating of a manââ¬â¢s self to his friend works two contrary effects; for it redoubleth joys, and cutteth griefââ¬â¢s in halfâ⬠. Where joy is able to be experienced by those who enjoy the companionship of a good friend, and the grief they may have suffered is no longer that big of a burden for them to handle.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Functional requirement Essay
1. Physician Users Authorized The system will allow authorized login input The system will allow physician order medicine * System will allow physician search for medicine 2. Search The system navigates to correct patient. The system will allow search the medicine in ABCââ¬â¢s order The system will allow verification of doses based on age & weight The system check for allergies & contra-indications The system check medicine in stock The system send over to pharmacy 3. Pharmacist The system alert the pharmacy with medicine order The system will allows approval from Pharmacist for revaluates the order within allergy guideline * The system allows approval from Pharmacist to send order to tech for processing The system allow approval from Pharmacist for correct process Of the tech System send the order to the nurse for administer the drugs. 4. Nurse The system allow nurse to verifies the order The system allow nurse locate patientââ¬â¢s ID The system allow nurse to document the medicine The system allow nurse to add witness if necessary The system allow nurse to document the waste The system allow nurse to document patientââ¬â¢s reaction Nonfunctional Requirement 1. Operational The system should integrate with the pharmacy system The system should work any web browser The system should allow the verification for incorrect doses The system should check incorrect allergy & contra-indications of drugs The system enable for alternative options if medicine is out of stock The system enables the automatically order for medicine out of stock The system should allow disapproval or approval for pharmacist verify incorrect doses and not meet allergy guideline to be send back to physician 2. Performance The system should not exceed 2 seconds The system should be available 24 hours per day, 365 days per year Download speeds will be monitor and kept at an acceptable level. 3. Security Only authorized users are allow to use the system Patients information should be secure Viruses, worms, Trojan horses, etc should protect the system. The system should automatically exit when there is inactivity 4. Cultural and Political Personal information is protected in compliance with HIPPA
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Canadian Prime Ministers and Their Role in Government
Canadian Prime Ministers and Their Role in Government The Prime Minister of Canada is the head of the government in Canada, usually the leader of the Canadian federal political party electing the most members to the Canadian House of Commons during a general election. The Prime Minister of Canada selects the members of the cabinet, and with them is responsible to the Canadian House of Commons for the administration of the federal government. Stephen Harper - Prime Minister of Canada After working in several right-wing parties in Canada, Stephen Harper helped form the new Conservative Party of Canada in 2003. He led the Conservative Party to a minority government in the 2006 federal election, defeating the Liberals who had been in power for 13 years. His emphasis in his first two years in office was on getting tough on crime, enlarging the military, reducing taxes and decentralizing government. In the 2008 federal election, Stephen Harper and the Conservatives were re-elected with an increased minority government, and Harper put his governments immediate focus on the Canadian economy. In the 2011 general election, after a tightly scripted campaign, Stephen Harper and the Conservatives won a majority government. Biography of Stephen HarperHarper Wins Canadian Alliance Leadership 2002Creation of the New Conservative Party of Canada 2003Contact Prime Minister Stephen Harper Role of the Prime Minister of Canada Although the role of prime minister of Canada is not defined by any law or constitutional document, it is the most powerful role in Canadian politics. The Canadian prime minister is the head of the executive branch of the Canadian federal government. The prime minister selects and chairs cabinet, the key decision-making forum in the Canadian federal government. The prime minister and cabinet are responsible to parliament and must maintain the confidence of the people, through the House of Commons. The prime minister also has significant responsibilities as head of a political party. Role of the Prime Minister of CanadaCanadian Federal CabinetCanadian Federal Political PartiesIntroduction to Parliament in Canada Prime Ministers in Canadian History Since Canadian Confederation in 1867 there have been 22 prime ministers of Canada. More than two-thirds have been lawyers, and most, but not all, came to the job with some cabinet experience. Canada has had only one woman prime minister, Kim Campbell, and she was only prime minister for about four and a half months. The longest-serving prime minister was Mackenzie King, who was Prime Minister of Canada for more than 21 years. The prime minister with the shortest term in office was Sir Charles Tupper who was prime minister for just 69 days. Biographies of the Prime Ministers of Canada Sir John A. Macdonald - First Prime Minister of Canada Sir John Abbott - First Prime Minister of Canada Born on Canadian Soil Sir Wilfrid Laurier - First Francophone Prime Minister of Canada Kim Campbell - First Woman Prime Minister of Canada Diaries of Prime Minister Mackenzie King Mackenzie King was Prime Minister of Canada for more than 21 years. He kept a personal diary from the time he was a student at the University of Toronto to just before his death in 1950. Library and Archives Canada has digitized the diaries and you can browse and search through them online. The diaries provide a rare insight into the private life of a Canadian prime minister. The diaries also provide a valuable first-hand political and social history of Canada spanning more than 50 years. The Diaries of Mackenzie KingBiography of Prime Minister Mackenzie King Canadian Prime Ministers Quiz Test your knowledge of Canadian prime ministers.
Monday, November 4, 2019
Video gam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Video gam - Essay Example This essay will explore these parameters and make a conclusion as to the effect that violent video games has on society. Markey and Markey (82) studied how aggressive tendencies might be mediated by personality. In other words, there are certain personality types which are more affected by video games than other types. For instance, individuals who score high on tests that measure psychotic or antisocial tendencies ââ¬â lack of sympathy, aggressiveness, unfriendliness, untrustworthiness, lack of emotion, paranoia ââ¬â are more likely to experience higher levels of hostility and aggressiveness after exposure to violent video games (VVG) than those who do not have these tendencies. This holds true with other forms of media as well, such as violent movies ââ¬â the psychotic men, after seeing a violent film, is much more likely to state that violence is an acceptable way of resolving conflicts than men who do not score high on tests measuring psychotic or antisocial tendencie s. When these same men are exposed to pornography, they are much more likely than men who do not score high on psychotic or antisocial tendencies to report that they are more likely to rape a woman. ... ily upset, angry, emotional), not agreeable (indifferent and cold) and had low conscientiousness (not keeping promises, acting without thinking, etc.). The researchers concluded that, despite the fact that there is a prevalence of VVG, incidents of violence are relatively rare, therefore there has to be something more that compels these people to violence ââ¬â much like the fact that, for the majority of the population, peanuts will not cause a reaction, but, for some, they are deadly, VVG are ââ¬Å"deadlyâ⬠for some, but, for most, have no effect (Markey and Markey, 86). Anderson & Bushman (353) conducted secondary research through PsycINFO, looking at the following terms ââ¬â video and game and fight, aggression, violence, hostility, anger, arousal, and prosocial. They looked at different studies that looked at the above tendencies, and tied these tendencies to violent video games. They found that the results of these multiple studies showed that exposure to violent v ideo games posed a public health threat to children and youths, which includes college-aged individuals in this analysis. They found that exposure to violent video games decreased pro social behaviors and increased aggression in the participants. That said, they admitted that they needed to review more longitudinal studies, and that violent video games might actually be useful, if these games can teach the game players about nonviolent solutions to social conflicts. Another study conducted by Sacks et al. (1) also suggests that video games might do harm to children. They looked at the amicus curiae briefs that were filed in Brown v. Entertainment Merchant Association, 130 S.Ct. 2398 (2010). They looked at which of the briefs were more persuasive, looking at the quality of the experts who wrote the briefs ââ¬â
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Gold Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Gold - Article Example 76). The Spaniards rejected this attempt mainly because gold was at that time contributing immensely to their economy and a victory for the French empire would have amounted to the economic decline of the Spaniards. Germany was not left behind in the fight for gold; it rubbed shoulders with several European states between 1939 and 1941. In this period, Germany invaded cities in the Netherlands, Western Poland, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, and Greece. The major reason why the Hitler led troops carried out such attacks was that they knew that if they took control over the deposits of gold within such regions, they would be regarded as a superpower, not only within Europe but also throughout the whole world. Over and above, gold has since its discovery revolved around various centres of power. In the past, for example, it was regarded with high esteem and was only at the disposal of the great leaders who existed within such generations (McDonald & Gastmann, 2001, p. 119). Those in authority were convinced that the more gold they had, the more powerful they were, hence their decision to control several deposits of
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